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Denied SSDI Benefits? We Can Help.

Social Security Lawyer in Gainesville, GA

If you have been denied Social Security Disability benefits, it can feel like you have no where to turn. The fact is, people who are deserving of SSDI or SSI benefits are denied every day. To ensure that your case is being reviewed fairly, work with an experienced SSDI lawyer to get the benefits you are entitled to.

What is SSDI and SSI?

SSDI (Social Security Disability Income) and SSI (Supplemental Security Income) are programs from the federal government to help people who are unable to work. SSDI is for people who have worked and paid into the system. SSI benefits do not take your work history into consideration.

What Should I Do If I Have Been Denied SSDI or SSI Benefits?

It’s important to understand that legitimate claims are denied every day. The first thing you should do if your SSDI or SSI claim has been denied is look into the appeals process. People are able to file appeals on their own, but it’s recommended that you speak with a Social Security lawyer who is well versed in the appeal process.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Social Security Benefits Lawyer?

You do not have to pay anything to hire me to represent you during your appeal. Instead, I am paid a percentage of the funds that I secure on your behalf. That means that if I do not secure benefits for you, you do not pay anything.

Learn more about Social Security Benefits and how a Lawyer can Help You.

We have set up several pages with valuable information that will help you understand what you need to do to ensure that you receive the SSI or SSDI benefits that you deserve. You can contact me today for a free consultation, and there is no up-front fee to hire me to represent you through your case. Call 770-534-2323 today so we can talk about your specfic situation, or you can read through these pages to learn more: